Top 20 Jewellery Quotes & Sayings

Jewellery has always been a symbol of luxury, elegance, and refinement. It is something that has fascinated humans for thousands of years and continues to do so today. Jewellery is often given as a gift to celebrate special occasions like weddings, anniversaries, or birthdays. It can also be used to express emotions or to make a statement. Jewellery can be made from a variety of materials like gold, silver, diamonds, and other precious stones. Whatever the reason for wearing it, jewellery is something that holds a special place in our hearts.

Here are some of the most famous jewellery quotes and sayings that have stood the test of time.

“Jewellery is like ice cream. There’s always room for more.” – Unknown

This quote emphasises the fact that jewellery is something that we can never have enough of. Just like ice cream, we always want more!

“Jewellery takes people’s minds off your wrinkles.” – Sonja Henie

This quote by Sonja Henie is a humorous take on the fact that jewellery can distract people from the signs of ageing.

“Jewellery is a way of keeping memories alive.” – Unknown

This quote highlights the sentimental value that jewellery can hold. It can be a way of remembering important moments or people in our lives.

“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” – Marilyn Monroe

Perhaps one of the most famous jewellery quotes of all time, this line from Marilyn Monroe’s song “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” emphasises the importance of diamonds to women.

“Jewellery is the most transformative thing you can wear.” – Iris Apfel

This quote by fashion icon Iris Apfel highlights the power of jewellery to transform an outfit and make a statement.

“Jewellery is like a biography, a story that tells the many chapters of your life.” – Unknown

This quote emphasises the fact that jewellery can be a reflection of our personal journeys and experiences.

“A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls.” – Coco Chanel

This quote by Coco Chanel highlights the importance of pearls to women. They are often associated with elegance and sophistication.

“Jewellery is not just an accessory, it’s a statement.” – Unknown

This quote emphasises the fact that jewellery can be used to make a statement and express our personal style.

“Jewellery is a way of expressing the art within you.” – Unknown

This quote highlights the fact that jewellery can be a form of artistic expression.

“Jewellery is something that has to do with emotion. That aspect of jewellery really interests me.” – Ann Demeulemeester

This quote by Ann Demeulemeester emphasises the emotional connection that people have with jewellery.

“Jewellery is the exclamation point of any outfit.” – Unknown

This quote emphasises the fact that jewellery can be the finishing touch that makes an outfit complete.

“Jewellery is like a work of art that you can wear.” – Unknown

This quote highlights the fact that jewellery can be a form of wearable art, with intricate designs and exquisite craftsmanship.

“Jewellery is a way of showing that you care.” – Unknown

This quote emphasises the fact that jewellery can be a thoughtful and meaningful gift, expressing love, appreciation, and gratitude.

“Jewellery is the perfect expression of individual style.” – Unknown

This quote highlights the fact that jewellery can be a way of expressing our unique personality and fashion sense.

“Jewellery is the key to making an ordinary outfit extraordinary.” – Unknown

This quote emphasises the transformative power of jewellery, taking a simple outfit to the next level.

“Jewellery is the poetry of the hands, the symphony of the neck, and the dance of the ears.” – Unknown

This quote is a poetic tribute to the different ways in which jewellery can adorn different parts of the body.

“Jewellery is the language of love, spoken in diamonds and pearls.” – Unknown

This quote highlights the romantic associations that jewellery can have, expressing love and commitment through precious gems.

“Jewellery is the perfect way to elevate any mood.” – Unknown

This quote emphasises the fact that jewellery can have a mood-boosting effect, adding a touch of glamour and sophistication to any occasion.

“Jewellery is a window into the soul, revealing the depths of our emotions and desires.” – Unknown

This quote is a poetic reflection on the emotional resonance that jewellery can hold, reflecting our deepest hopes, dreams, and passions.

“Jewellery is the embodiment of memories, a tangible connection to the past and the present.” – Unknown

This quote highlights the sentimental value that jewellery can hold, evoking memories and emotions that connect us to our personal histories.

“Jewellery is the icing on the cake of life.” – Unknown

This quote emphasises the fact that jewellery can add a touch of sweetness and beauty to life, just like icing on a cake.

“Jewellery is a universal language, transcending culture, time, and place.” – Unknown

This quote highlights the fact that jewellery is a global phenomenon, with different styles and traditions that can be appreciated and admired across the world.

“Jewellery is the ultimate fashion statement, a reflection of who we are and who we want to be.” – Unknown

This quote emphasises the fact that jewellery can be a powerful expression of our personal identity, reflecting our aspirations, values, and beliefs.

“Jewellery is a symbol of hope, a reminder that even the smallest things can shine in the darkness.” – Unknown

This quote highlights the symbolic significance of jewellery, representing hope, optimism, and resilience in the face of adversity.

“Jewellery is the soul of fashion, the essence of style.” – Unknown

This quote emphasises the fact that jewellery can be the heart and soul of fashion, defining and enhancing our personal style.

“Jewellery is a celebration of life, a tribute to the beauty and wonder of the world.” – Unknown

This quote highlights the joy and vitality that jewellery can bring to life, celebrating the richness and diversity of our world.

“Jewellery is the light that shines through the darkness, illuminating the path ahead.” – Unknown

This quote emphasises the guiding and enlightening power of jewellery, providing a source of inspiration and guidance on life’s journey.

“Jewellery is a treasure trove of memories, a precious link to the past and a bridge to the future.” – Unknown

This quote highlights the fact that jewellery can hold deep sentimental value, connecting us to our personal history and creating a legacy for future generations.

“Jewellery is a whisper of luxury, a subtle touch of elegance that adds richness to life.” – Unknown

This quote emphasises the understated and refined quality of jewellery, adding a touch of luxury and sophistication to everyday moments.

“Jewellery is the embodiment of beauty, capturing the essence of nature and the human spirit.” – Unknown

This quote highlights the aesthetic and artistic value of jewellery, reflecting the natural and creative beauty of the world around us.